Monday, November 30, 2009

Our Thanksgiving

Tayler's cousins came over. Bailey went to her grandma's on Saturday. Crystal went out of town for Thanksgiving. Harley had turkey that had bacon on it. Mikayla had a big piece of the wishbone. Lucas went to his grandma's house. Dalton thinks that Thanksgiving is the best holiday. Katie went to her cousin's house for Thanksgiving. R. J. and his family ate pumpkin pie. Anna went to Portsmith. Evan had two Thanksgivings. Aleigh went to her aunt's house. Camryn had good meals. Jacob said it was a fun Thanksgiving over the weekend. Julianna went to her Grandma Terrie. Max went to his dad's house. Cale went to two houses for Thanksgiving. Corbin had turkey that day.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Basic Skills Test

We had to fill in the circles. We had to stay in the circles. There were 65 pages. We did our best. Some were hard and some were easy. One was timed. We take them until the 8th grade. We did some 8th grade things. We had some extra paper for the math problems. At the very end, we did an extra 5 pages. We took breaks during the tests. Some times we did exercises. It took a week for us to get it done. We had snacks during the tests and restroom breaks. We had a lot of snacks.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


We are going to do clay. We will make things with it. We can make insects from it. We can make bowls or cups. The clay can be red, white, and blue. You can paint in art. We can do free painting. You can draw a house and then paint the picture. You can paint on paper. There are all sorts of color of paint. You can free color. We made haunted houses. You can color your haunted houses. We made butterflies. Then we cut out the butterflies. We decorated our butterflies. We cut out colorful pieces of paper and put it on our butterflies. We will make scratch art later on. We have made lots of sorts of things in art and we will make more things in art.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Staying Healthy

Our class has been having many absences this week. Lots of people have had the flu. These are some ways to stay healthy. Always wash your hands. Wash your hands for 20 seconds. Don't put your hands on other people's lockers. Stay clean. Take a shower. Keep your hands to yourself. Don't share your things. Blow your nose and then throw it away immediately! When you cough, cough into your elbow. If you're sick, don't come to school. If you are sick, take your medicine. Make sure an adult is around. Don't take your mom and dad's medicine. Use hand sanitizer. Drink lots of water. Don't share medicine. If you are allergic to something stay away.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Red Ribbon Week

Red Ribbon Week begins Monday, October 26, 2009. This is where we talk about drugs and staying away from them! On Monday, try to wear silly socks for Silly Sock Day. On Tuesday, we will sign a pledge against drugs. On Wednesday, doors should be decorated for drug safety. On Thursday, we should try to wear RED. On Friday, it will be our Halloween party and we will have a Halloween safety assembly. We will have a good week!!!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Christopher Columbus

Christopher Columbus didn't know how to read or write when he was young. He asked the queen for help to sail. He fought in a battle. Christopher Columbus sailed in 1492. He sailed for many days and nights. Lots of people thought he was crazy because they thought he would fall off the world. He wanted to reach the Indies. One of the boats was long. Lots of people wanted him to turn back. Mr. Columbus sailed to the island. He sailed 3 ships to find the new land. The three ships were called the Nina, Pinta, and the Santa Maria. He wanted to find gold and show the king and queen. Christopher Columbus's day is October 12th. We made Columbus hats on Columbus Day. We tried to make them look like his. We're working on a Christopher Columbus paper to color. We read books about Christopher Columbus.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Healthy Monday

We could walk, jog, or run on the track for 30 minutes. (Cale) (Tayler) We ran on the track. (Max) We walked with the third graders. (Bailey) You could walk with friends. We saw lots of friends and relatives. (Dalton) (Shelby) (R. J. ) We had a paper foot to punch for each lap we walked. (Juliana) We could try to guess how many laps we could run. (Mikayla) We all had a goal to meet. (Zach) Some people went over their goals. (Aleigh) Some people ran 7 or 8 laps. The most was 10 or 11 laps. (Max) (Lucas) We tried to win $1000. (Katie) When we were done running we had an apple or banana. (Cameryn) The snack was good. (Evan) We had lots of people say good try. (Jacob) We had fun. (Ana) Our class did 153 laps. (Katie)

Friday, October 2, 2009

Field Trip

We saw some old fashioned airplanes. (Cale) We played with Keva Planks. (Mikayla) We learned a bunch about airplanes. (Max) We watched a video about building things. (Tayler) We saw Army planes. (Aleigh) Some of them carried people in them. (Katie) It was a long ride there. (Bailey) There were lots of planes. (Evan) They were restoring a plane called a bomber. (Zach) The airplanes were fun and the field trip was too. (Dalton) We saw a jet when we got in. (Lucas) We learned lots of information. (Crystal) We saw an airplane that was able to give gasoline to another plane. (Jacob) Our guide was named Zach. (Camryn) There were lots of people there. (Ana) We saw a plane that could hold two "hummers." (Corbin) We saw a cargo plane. (Harley) All the second graders went on this trip. (Juliana) We saw helicopters. (Shelby)

Monday, September 28, 2009

More Sentences

Always put a period after a telling sentences. A sentence always starts with a capital. An exclamation sentence needs to be exciting. Exclamation marks are usually tall. An exclamation can also be like you are frightened. An exclamation mark can also be happy. You can make long sentences. You can make happy sentences. Periods are round. Sentences can be small. It has to make sense. I go to Grandma's house is an example of a sentence. Sentences can be sad. Commands end in periods too. A command makes you do something. A sentence can be about anything. A sentence must have a period, or exclamation mark, or question mark at the end. By Tayler, Katie, Max, Jacob, Zach, Camryn, Aleigh, Corbin, Ana, R.J., Bailey, Shelby, Crystal, Cale

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Responsibilty Rocks

Responsibility rocks because it is fun to do it. by Lucas Responsibility is a good way to keep safe. By Jacob Responsibility is good for you so you know not to shove or budge when you are lining up. By Harley Responsibility is good for you and your friends. Remember not to say bad words. By Dalton Responsible people don't kick. By Corbin Responsibility if for people that don't budge in line. by Camryn In guidance we learned about good hygiene. By Cale My responsibility is to take care of my sister and do my chores. By Crystal My responsibility is to do my chores. By Bailey Your are responsible for your property. By Evan My responsibility is to take care of myself and others. By Tayler Responsibility means to take care of other people's things. By Mikayla Responsibility is when you tell the truth, take care of other people's stuff, and yours. By Zach Responsibility means to take care of your pet. By Katie Responsibility is to take care of my brothers. By R. J. My responsibility is to go bed on time. By Juliana My responsibility is to wash the dishes every day. By Aleigh My responsibility is to come to school on time and do my chores. By Ana

Monday, September 21, 2009


R.J. plays flag football. Mikayla jumps rope with her friends. Cale, Evan, and I played animals today. It rained today while Evan was at recess. My friends and I jumped rope said Katie. Bailey played on the monkey bars. My friends and I played Super Hero said Ana. Juliana says recess is fun. At recess Camryn played tag. Tayler had fun at recess. Crystal visited about Adventureland. Cale, Evan, and Zach played monkeys. Aleigh played hop scotch at recess. Max found crickets at recess. Shelby played with her friends at recess. Jacob, Max, and Lucas found crickets at recess. Harley thinks recess is fun and awesome. Corbin likes to play on the equipment. Jacob was also hunting for crickets at recess. Dalton found a spider at recess.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Writing Again

Katie says we talked about a telling sentence.
You have to have a capital letter, said Julianna. Mikayla said it must end in a period. Bailey says it must make sense. A telling sentences tells so something so it must end in a period says Zach. It has to have a who and a what says Ana. We had partners and we took turns writing on a white board says Cale. It should be neat writing so the teacher can read it says Lucas. Tayler says not to be sloppy. Evan says not to put a capital in the middle of the sentence unless it is a name. Max says you can write telling sentences in stories. Writing good sentences is educational says Jacob. Crystal says try to spell correctly. Try the months of the year correctly says R.J. We use appropriate words says Harley. Don't do words that hurt people's feelings says Katie.

Monday, September 14, 2009


We talked about the who and what of sentences. The "who" is someone or something. It can be a person. It can be an animal. It can be an amphibian or reptile. It can be a name. It can be something they own. The "what" is what they are doing. An example would be "are loud." The what part can be what they are. It can be what they do or what they are doing. It can also be what they like. An example would be "are playing." It can be what they don't like. It can be what they want to play. It can be what they do. The what can be "are quiet." By Cale, Bailey, Crystal, Julianna, Camryn, Tayler, Mikayla, Ana, Katie, R.J., Evan, Max, Harley, Jacob, Lucas, Dalton, Aleigh, and Zach.

Friday, September 11, 2009

White Hat

About once a week Mrs. Riggs gives out a tall white hat to one of her students. This white hat can be for being a good listener, following directions right away, participating in class, being a math or reading person. Students can earn more than 1 white hat. These people have already had a white hat: Julianna and Tayler. The next white hat will be given on Monday for being a "great listener." Check to see if your student has a white hat on Monday!!!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Labor Day

Harley played with his dog. Julianna watched a movie. Camryn rode her bike. Mikayla played at home. Dalton helped his dad. Tayler went to her aunt's. Corbin played catch with his dad. Max came back from Ohio. Aleigh went to a farm and found 6 cats. Ana had a birthday party. Katie rode a dirt bike and 4 wheeler. Zach celebrated his birthday. Crystal went to McDonalds. R. J. played his game. Bailey picked gourds and pumpkins. Cale said Labor Day means work day for many. Labor Day is a holiday. Lots of people stay home from their usual jobs. Lucas went out to eat. Evan went to Des Moines. Shelby played put put with her dad.

Friday, September 4, 2009


Our guidance teacher is Mrs. Stickler. We have guidance on Day 2. We talked about responsibility today. We learn how to be nice and respectful. We talked about being tardy and being absent. We like guidance. We were with Mrs. Garrett's class. We talked about tattling and reporting. We learned about how to share, mom and dad working. We talk alot about stop, think, and act. We learn the 3 parts that get us into trouble--hands, feet, and mouth. We will learn about caring. Guidance is fun and cool. It's kind of active. By: Evan, Lucas, Cale, Bailey, Jacob, Crystal, Zach, Katie, Ana, Aleigh, Harley Julianna, Camryn, Tayler, Shelby, and Mikayla

Thursday, September 3, 2009


We do lots of projects. We do creative stuff in art. We paint. We do clay. We draw pictures with pencils. Sometimes we color with our crayons. Our class likes art. Students like art. Sometimes we do scratch art in art. Sometimes we draw shapes. Art is fun. On Day 4 we have art. Sometimes we work with partners. Art is cool. We do a collage. Art is good for you. Sometimes we do a lot of different things. Miss Hatfield plays music when it is time to clean-up.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


We like running in P.E. Mr. Larsen is our teacher. We have fun in P.E. We do jumping jacks in P.E. Our first game was dodge ball. We do tennis in P.E. We do toe touches. We play games. We run on the track sometimes. We do V stretch. We like P.E. We run outside sometimes. We play on the playground sometimes. By: Max, Shelby, Cale, Katie, Zach, Bailey, Crystal, R. J., Julianna, Tayler, Camryn, Ana, and Mikayla

Monday, August 31, 2009


We sing songs. We have been learning about the beat in music. We have been playing music games. We have done a lot of activities. We have played instruments. Music is good for you cool, and fun. We like music. We have listened to music in music. We get stars for being good. When we get 20 stars we get a game day. We do "tes and tas" which are rhythms. We have written in music. We have learned new and different notes in music. We have learned lots of different songs. Mrs. Brown likes to play the piano and she is our music teacher. It is a fun place to go.
By Lucas, Ana, Katie, Cale, Bailey, Jacob, Crystal, Zach, Max, Aleigh, R.J. Julianna, Tayler, Camryn, Dalton, and Mikayla

Friday, August 28, 2009


Reading is fun. We can read some chapter books. Reading makes us smarter. Reading inspires you. Some books can be fiction or nonfiction. Some books have true information called nonfiction. Reading is good for your brain. We don't have to read real easy ones anymore. We like to read books and sometimes we read books together. Some books have pictures in them. We can read underneath our desks. Some books are rare to other people. Some books are really long. Fiction means not true. We do reading class. Some books are really funny. We enjoy reading.
By Max, Aleigh, Lucas, Evan, Tayler, Mikayla, Camryn, Julianna, Crystal, R.J., Zach, Shelby, Ana, Harley, Jacob, Bailey, Cale, and Katie

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

2009 - 2010 School Year

In math class we add problems like 2 + 2 = 4. We have done some subtraction or take away problems. Today we talked about clocks and telling time. We do Partner Math every day. We are on Levels B, C, D, and E. We have math homework almost every day. Math is fun, cool, and awesome. Math helps make our brain smarter. You get to do a lot of problems in math. Math is good for you.

By Lucas, Zach, Harley, Aleigh, R.J., Dalton, and Bailey

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


We will be going to the YMCA for SPLASH. We will learn water safety. We need to bring a swimsuit and towel each day. We will change into our suits at the YMCA. We will be in the pool. There will be people to help us. We think Jason will help to teach. We will learn back floats. Maybe on May 15th there will be a free swim, bring our goggles, play pool basketball, go down the water slide,and may jump off the diving board and do flips. We all hope we have the free swim day. We'll let you know what happens after we have SPLASH.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Spring Break

Today is our last day before Spring Break. Sam is visiting his grandma's house and go to Adventure Land. Nathan is going to go fishing with his grandpa and his dad. Destiny will ride her bike. Brandon might go camping. Alexis will sleep in. Emma is going fishing with her brother, grandpa, and grandma. Sarah will relax. Maura will have a huge sleep over. Chamilla will go to the Super 8 Motel. Connor will go to the skate park and play with his heeleys. Tyler will go to Arkansas tomorrow. Riker will go to the movies. Caleb will go to the dentist on Friday and on Saturday he will do the Polar Plunge. Caine might have a sleep over with Sam and Nathan. Abbie might help her mom teach first grade. Colissa is going to see her brother at his grandma's house. Darien is going to play basketball. Kolton will ride his skateboard. Noah will go the movie theater also.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Camp Week

Last week we had Camp Read A Lot. These are some details. We received a bag to put our stuff in. There was a cave with bats in it. We made a snake, bear, binoculars, and a pop up book. We drew a dragonfly in a jar. We colored an eagle. We wrote in the campground. Lots of moms came to help. Tyler's mom and Chamilla's mom came. Riker's dad and Caine's dad came. We ate smores. We ate owls out of cucumbers and carrots. We ate green eggs and ham. Some people brought tents. We had trailmix.
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Tuesday, February 24, 2009

George Washington

Today we read 2 books about George Washington. When he was 11, his father died. He had a half-brother named Lawrence. Lawrence taught George how to hunt for food. George had a sister named Elizabeth. He was a great leader for our nation. George's daughter died when she was only 17. He joined the army. He married a girl named Martha. She had 2 children. He fought England the second time. George died after he got a sore throat. There was no medicine to help him then.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Friendly letters

Today we talked about writing friendly letters. There are 5 different parts to a friendly letter. There's a date. Next comes the greeting. The greeting says Dear _____. There is a body part. The body tells what you did during the weekend or some other time. There's a closing. There are different types of closings. The closing can be love or your friend. Your name is called the signature. Riker is an example of a signature. Some parts need punctuation marks.

Monday, February 9, 2009


Today we are talking about adjectives. Adjectives are fun. We played a game about adjectives. Adjectives describe things. An adjective describes a noun in sentences. A noun is a person, place, thing, or animal. An example would be "It was a hairy bear. Another example would be "The stinging bee is mean." Another example would be "Some people are fast." "It was a scary bear." "Some people are good at dodge ball." One more example would be "A fire truck is speedy." Adjectives help you describe things better. Adjectives can describe: shapes, color, number, and size. Adjectives help make sentences better.

Friday, January 30, 2009

More Favorite Books

These are some more of our favorite books:
Brandon's favorite book is Ricky Ricotta's Mighty Robot.
One of Tyler's favorite book is Green Eggs and Ham.
Taylor enjoys the Junie B. books.
Riker likes the Magic Tree House books.
Chamilla enjoys Mixed Up Max.
Caine enjoys reading about fires and firefighters.

We hope you check out some of our books.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Our Favorite Books

These are some of our favorite books: Star Wars Galaxy of Fear is Darien's favorite.
Goosebumps -- Stay Out of the Basement is Connor's favorite.
Tony Hawk is Noah's favorite book.
The Green Bay Super Bowl Champs is Sam's favorite book.
The Adventures of the Bailey School Kids is Sarah's favorite book.
Don't Ever Get Sick at Granny's is Emma's favorite book.
Toys Go Out is Abbie's favorite book.
Magic Tree House Research Guide of Space is Alexis' favorite book.
Dragon Slayers' Academy -- The New Kid at School is Colissa's favorite book.
The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane is Maura's favorite book.
Magic Tree House -- Midnight on the Moon is Caleb's favorite book.
Hannah Montana Chapter book is Destiny's favorite book.

The rest of the class will tell us their favorite book tomorrow.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The President

We heard him take the oath and was sworn in to be the President of the United States of America. We think there are over 200 rooms in the White House. They guessed that there were about 2 million people to watch. The former President, George Bush, rode a helicopter and plane back to his home. The new President. Barack Obama, gave a speech. He rode in a limo with his children and his wife. His daughters are Malia and Sasha. Malia is 10 and Sasha is 7. He has lots of guards. There was a big parade. His limo is bullet proof. There were lots of people standing by his limo. Barack Obama is now our official president. He is our 44th president. He will be president for four years.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

It's Been a Long Time

We're going to tell you about the things we are doing in English, Reading, and Math. In reading we have been doing computers. In reading some classes study about the state of Maryland. In math we are studying subtraction in Partner Math. We are adding double digit numbers that end up in the 100's. In reading we have been doing spelling tests. In reading we are reading about Spike's Bone. In reading we have read AR books. In math some people are on subtraction and some are on 5 minute. In reading some are learning about Arkansas. We have been taking AR tests in reading. In reading some of us have read so much we're ready to burst. In reading we are writing poems. In math we have homework. In math we are doing Partner Math. In reading we have been reading a lot. In reading next Friday we will paste words on our paper. We have been doing things on the computer. We had our Christmas party this Monday. Today everyone blogged.