Thursday, October 15, 2009

Christopher Columbus

Christopher Columbus didn't know how to read or write when he was young. He asked the queen for help to sail. He fought in a battle. Christopher Columbus sailed in 1492. He sailed for many days and nights. Lots of people thought he was crazy because they thought he would fall off the world. He wanted to reach the Indies. One of the boats was long. Lots of people wanted him to turn back. Mr. Columbus sailed to the island. He sailed 3 ships to find the new land. The three ships were called the Nina, Pinta, and the Santa Maria. He wanted to find gold and show the king and queen. Christopher Columbus's day is October 12th. We made Columbus hats on Columbus Day. We tried to make them look like his. We're working on a Christopher Columbus paper to color. We read books about Christopher Columbus.


Donna said...

I remember learning about Christopher Columbus when I was in school - and that was a very long time ago. When Mikayla brought her hat home, I ended up with it on my head somehow. Very neat hats!

Grandmama Sloth said...

Columbus was a lucky man to get people to travel with him. Going places you know nothing about is very scary. Imagine where we would be today if no one traveled with Columbus. Take the step and follow adventures!

SJC said...

I hate to nit-pick, but nobody after 500 BC (WAY before CC) really thought the world was flat and no one thought he would fall off the planet. That's a common mistake. Pythagoras of Samos was the first person to suggest the world was spherical, but people had been suggesting the world was something other than flat up even 100 years prior to this (Anaximander of Miletus).

Just thought you'd like to know the FYI. =] Enjoy your class!

-A Physics/science Teacher (to be)