Wednesday, September 3, 2008

The Library

Today Mrs. Dickerson talked about choosing a just right book. We should do the 5 finger test before we choose a book. We should do this with a page of words- not pictures. If a word is too hard we put up a finger to tell that we didn't know that word. If all 5 fingers are up, then to book is too hard for you. If three fingers go up, then it's just right!! If no fingers go up, then it's probably too easy for you. We can check out a book once a day. We can have 2 books out at a time. We need to keep the book for at least 2 days before we return it.


Pellett Family said...

I'm glad to hear that you all know how to pick out the book that is just "right" for you. You are very lucky to get to check out two books!
I have lots of favorite books. Do you have a favorite? I look forward to hearing about the books you read.
Happy Reading!

trena and shawn said...

I always tell Caine that a book will give him information on anything he wants to learn about. He has been asking alot about Hurricanes lately.