Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Safety Practice

Corey, Heather, Micalee, Shelbi, and Grace practiced their address. Ethan, Grace, Shelbi, Trey, Heather, and Micalee practiced phone numbers. Cell phone and other emergency numbers were practiced by Austin, Micalee, Heather, Jessica, Ethan, Grace, Shelbi, and Trey. Some students, Ethan, Austin, Grace, Shelbi, Luke, Heather, Corey, Cody, and Micalee practiced how to spell parents' names. Zip codes were practiced by Heather, Shelbi, Grace, Ethan, Trey, and Micalee. Hopefully by the end of the week we will all know these safety things. Mrs. Riggs may test us on them on Friday or Monday. Please help us practice!!!! Have a good rest of the day, Wednesday!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I am glad to hear everyone is practicing their important information. At work tomorrow (Thursday) we are having a fire drill, I am a floor captain and my job is to make sure everyone gets out of the building safely.