Thursday, October 18, 2007

Library Checkout

We went to the library and some of us checked out AR books. AR books can be easy, medium, or hard. First you read the book. Try to remember the details. Then go to the computer to take a test. After that you can check your score. We earn points by getting the answers right. The harder the book, the more points we can earn. We try to get more and more points. You go to the AR store four times a year. You can spend your points on prizes such as toys, stickers, erasers, books, squishy animals, mini NFL football helmets, T-shirts, stamps, noisemakers, and stuffed animals. Mrs. Riggs wants us ALL to read AR books.


Logan's mom said...

When I was in elementary school I also had an AR program, but mine was called SRA. You went to a box and picked out a card and read the story, then answered questions about the story on a piece of paper.
Nicole's mom--Karla

G&B C said...

Sounds like a wonderful way to learn to love to read books and the prizes for points can't help but encourage the kids to choose challenging books. I love to read, so I am always happy to see that it is being encouaged when the children are young. Cooper's Grandma from SD