Friday, September 21, 2007

Weekend Plans

Some people are going to the Trojan football game. It is an away game in Glenwood. We all hope to have fun at the football game. Some people are going to church. Tomorrow some people have flag football and soccer. Some of us are going to cool off by going through a sprinkler. Others may cool off by going to the YMCA or finding a pool. Some building will be going on this weekend since a toolkit will be bought. The Farmer's Market will be in town this weekend. The Coke company is having a celebration this weekend. We may also visit friends. Have a good weekend!!!!!

1 comment:

als said...

Hello! I am Riley's Aunt Amy Seufert (Schmitt). I went to Atlantic schools from Kindergarten to 12th grade. I graduated high school in 2001. Now I'm a 5th grade teacher in a small school in Northwest Missouri called North Andrew. I married Mike Seufert (he is Riley's dad's brother) who also went to Atlantic schools and he also teaches at North Andrew. He teaches middle school social studies. Mike also is the head varsity football coach! Last night (Friday, September 21) we saw Riley and her family because they drove down to watch the football game, and we WON!! I hope everyone had a great weekend and is ready for the new week! When in Atlantic's homecoming?