Monday, November 19, 2007

Buy - Sell Day

Buy Sell Day will be Monday, November 30, 2007. Buy - Sell Day is when all second graders will sell things they have brought from home. We earn tickets by being an active listener. You can earn 5 tickets for that. When you read quietly, you earn tickets. If you get your spelling test correct, you get 5 tickets. We have to sign a sheet for Buy - Sell Day. Some students may be selling stuffed animals, old toys that they do not play with any more, bracelets that they made, paper airplanes, necklaces that they made, football cards, candy, homemade stuff, cookies, juice, pencils, toy cars, brownies, apple cider, and posters. We'll tell you more tomorrow.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Buy and Sell Day sounds like a lot of fun! I hope everyone listens and does well on their spelling so they can earn tickets.
Have a safe and Happy Thanksgiving!