Thursday, September 27, 2007

Active Listening

Mrs. Riggs wants us to be active listeners. We should look at the person that is talking. We should follow directions the first time. Mrs. Stickler tells us how to be a 4 Star Student. We should pay attention. All of us should use our ears, eyes, heart, and undivided attention. Always tell the truth the first time. Don't play with your supplies or other things. Be quiet when other people are talking. Don't be a 1 star student that doesn't listen or follow directions. Wait until you are called on to answer and wait your turn. Work to be a 4 Star Student -- not a 2 Star Student. Always try to sit with all 4 chair legs on the floor. Listen to the teachers. Try to whisper during quiet work time. Talk to you tomorrow.

1 comment:

The Chipmans said...

That was some list. Those all sound like very important things to remember. We hope you all do well trying those ideas and that many of you will be 4-star students this year. Miranda wants to say "hello" to everyone.

Have a great day today!