Friday, September 28, 2007

It's Friday

We are changing our seating arrangement today. Some people are going to their relatives. Tomorrow is a "weekend" day. We talk about week days and weekend days in our math classes. Some second graders are going to the football game tonight. Their brothers are playing or their fathers are coaching. Lots of baking may be going on at our houses. Chocolate chip cookies sound very good. We might invite friends over. Cooper has hockey practice tonight. Several second graders play soccer or flag football. The first away soccer game is tomorrow. Lots of people are traveling this weekend. Some are going to South Dakota and others are going to a concert. The zoo trip is also one of the activities. Have a good weekend.


als said...

Hello second graders! This is Riley's Aunt Amy and Uncle Mike Seufert. We wanted to let Riley know that we missed her this weekend at the football game, but that we won our game!! Our next game is a home game and we hope she can make it!

Unknown said...

Hi class this is cooper. I am excited for school. Hockey practice was fun on Friday night. We even made it to the Trojan football game after practice.